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Managing Bipolar: Can Treatment Help?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2.8% of the United States’ adult population has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and over 80% of those cases are...

What Can a Bipolar Online Screening Reveal?

Bipolar disorder, formerly called a manic-depressive disorder or manic depression, is a common mental health disorder characterized by periods of depression and mania or...

What Science Tells Us About Bipolar Disorder

There is much that researchers can learn from scanning a bipolar brain. There are measurable differences for the brain of someone with bipolar disorder than someone without...

How to Tackle Bipolar Insomnia

Dealing with insomnia can be one of the toughest parts of bipolar disorder. Though it can be difficult to establish a solid sleep schedule, it is impossible to do so with...

The Surprising Links between Autism and Bipolar

Autism Spectrum Disorder is an increasingly common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by delays in speech, difficulty in social situations, and difficulty with sensory...

Common Bipolar Symptoms in Men

It’s easy to characterize bipolar disorder as “highs and lows.” While that is an apt description, it can also be an oversimplification...

High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

The term “high functioning” is dependent on the diagnosis, and the term means different things depending on the disability or severity of the disability. As bipolar disorder...

Recognizing and Addressing Bipolar Disorder

It is natural for people to experience mood changes, but bipolar disorder people may experience such changes with various severity levels. You may wonder if bipolar disorder...

Bipolar Disorder's Influence on Creativity

Bipolar disorder and creativity have an interesting relationship. Not everybody with bipolar disorder is automatically creative and artistic, but it appears to nearly every...

Addressing Bipolar Memory Loss

Bipolar disorder can come with memory issues due to the disorder and sometimes due to the treatment. If you are experiencing memory loss due to bipolar disorder, we encourage...

Navigating Mania in Bipolar: Understanding and Coping

You may hear people throw around the word manic from time to time. People often use it to mean highly energetic or chaotic. That may be part of the story, but what does it...

Bipolar or Schizophrenia? How to Tell the Difference

Are you wondering if you or someone in your life has bipolar disorder or schizophrenia? It can be hard for someone who isn’t a mental health professional to distinguish between...

Genetic Links in Bipolar Disorder

If you have someone in your family that suffers from bipolar disorder, then you might be concerned about whether or not you have a chance of passing it on. There is a lot of...

Supporting a Partner with Bipolar Disorder

Being the partner of someone who has bipolar disorder is not always going to be easy. There might be times when your bipolar girlfriend will lash out at you or act differently...

Bipolar Tendencies: What to Look Out For

Do you have someone in your life that seems to go through ups and downs? You might be worried about your spouse, partner, family member, or best friend because of different...

Seeing Through a Bipolar Lens

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition that many people have issues with. As of the time of writing, it is said that approximately 2.8% of the American...

Navigating Bipolar Mixed Episodes

When many people think, discuss, or read about bipolar disorder, they are confronted most often with the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows, the activity juxtaposed...

Navigating Work with Bipolar: Low-Stress Job Recommendations

Many people with bipolar disorder find that stress management is one of the most important components of symptom management. Limiting and managing stress is vital for...

Recognizing Bipolar Disorder in Teens

Bipolar disorder is a major mental illness. It is also known as manic-depressive disorder or manic depression. Patients with bipolar disorder experience strange mood swings...

A Guide to Living with Bipolar 2 Disorder

Bipolar Disorder 2 is one of four types of Bipolar Disorder recognized by mental health professionals and medical professionals alike. The types of Bipolar Disorder include...

Is Bipolar Disorder a Disability? Key Insights

Bipolar disorder can turn your life upside down. If your symptoms are severe enough, you may go through a series of jobs, losing each one when the next episode strikes...

Recognizing Bipolar Disorder with an Online Test

Bipolar Disorder was once known as “Manic Depressive Disorder,” so named for its distinct set of symptoms. Despite the apt nature of the name, it can actually be difficult to..

Bipolar 1 vs. Bipolar 2: What's the Difference?

Long ago, scientists and mental health professionals used the term manic depression to describe a mental illness identified by distinct, cycling moods. Today, the accepted name...

Successful Bipolar Disorder Management Techniques

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mood disorder that disrupts every aspect of your life, from moods and attention to energy levels and behaviors. Although there is currently no...

The Potential of a Bipolar Diet

So many people suffer from bipolar disorder in modern times. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 2.8% of the American population suffers from bipolar...

How to Diagnose Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you concerned that you or someone that you love might have bipolar disorder? You can certainly look out for many signs, such as mood swings, but you can't diagnose...

OCD and Bipolar Disorder: Can You Have Both?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental health disorder that impacts about one out of every 40 adults in the United States and one out of every 100 children alone...

Bipolar Disorder: DSM-5 Diagnosis Guide

Many people go through life wondering if they have a mood disorder. It's natural to wonder if you have intense cycling moods. Yet not everyone who has these thoughts actually...

Bipolar and Morality: Insights into Right vs. Wrong

The subject of this article is difficult to discuss because the answer depends greatly on the mental state of the person with bipolar disorder. Most of the time, most people...