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Recognizing and Halting Anxiety Symptoms

Reviewed by Wendy Boring-Bray, DBH, LPC · November 02, 2020 ·

If you have ever experienced anxiety, you may wonder what it means and if it is something that can be prevented. You may also be curious about the anxiety definition and symptoms of the condition. Anxiety is something that many people experience, and this is not a cause for concern by itself. Here is a look at the most common signs of anxiety and ways in which you can stop or treat anxiety.


Anxiety is a feeling of dread that you may feel from time to time, which could be present because of situations you are experiencing in your life. You may become fearful or nervous for a short period of time. For example, if you are having trouble paying your bills, you could become anxious about what will happen if you don’t pay a creditor. This is fine, but there are times when people feel anxiety so frequently that it impacts their entire lives.

Signs Of Anxiety

Here are some signs and symptoms of anxiety that you should be familiar with, especially if you are wondering, “What are the symptoms of anxiety?”

  • Racing heart
  • Trouble sleeping or relaxing
  • Unable to focus on a task
  • Breathing too quickly

If you find yourself experiencing these general anxiety symptoms many times a week, you may need to seek out professional help, to figure out what is going on. Otherwise, you might be at risk of developing an anxiety disorder, which will also require treatment, in order to lessen stress and anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety Vs. Severe Anxiety

The symptoms of severe anxiety are not much different than anxiety. The severe part refers to how often you experience anxiety. When you are experiencing anxiety about many aspects of your life and feel like you are unable to change this or control it, you may have severe anxiety. Again, severe anxiety symptoms for you may simply mean that you experience anxiety quite often, where you find yourself unable to complete things that need to get done, or you have great difficulty when it comes to remaining calm.

Anxiety Disorders

There are a few anxiety disorders that a person may be diagnosed with, especially after they exhibit signs of severe anxiety. A study published in 2017 explains that anxiety symptoms in women may account for a higher level of anxiety disorders than in men. There is no obvious cause for this, but it is something that you should keep in mind.

Panic Disorder

When a person experiences panic disorder, this indicates that they likely have panic attacks. A panic attack is a short period of intense anxiety or fear that someone experiences suddenly. These attacks can cause a person to feel as if they are dying, and can cause physical symptoms as well, such as chest pains.

A panic attack is unable to be predicted, in most cases. This adds to the anxiety for those who have panic disorder, since they will not be able to determine when another panic attack will take place. This can lead to fear when it comes to certain situations and may also lead to avoidance. People who experience panic attacks sometimes avoid places or people or may not even leave their house. This can cause a great interruption in someone’s life and is likely to impact their routine as well. For instance, it can be difficult for someone with panic disorder to keep a job. The good news is that if you have extreme anxiety symptoms and are experiencing panic disorder, there is help out there for you. There are treatment options available when it comes to this condition.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is perhaps the most common anxiety disorder. When someone experiences generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, they find themselves having anxiety about a number of factors in their life. The general part of the name of this disorder refers to the fact that people with GAD find themselves worrying about many things. Two people that have GAD may not be worried about the same things. One may show physical anxiety symptoms or test anxiety symptoms, while another may have health anxiety symptoms. GAD is also quite treatable, where your symptoms of stress and anxiety may be able to be alleviated when you seek out therapy for them. Those who experience GAD and take advantage of treatment options will usually be able to live a life where they have only mild anxiety symptoms, and where they can get through their day and do the things that they need to do.

Treatment Options

When it comes to anxiety, whether you have an anxiety disorder or not, this condition can be treated in a few different ways. With treatment, anxiety signs and symptoms can lessen, so you are able to worry less about certain things. You may even learn how to keep from worrying about things like health or money. Here is a look at how anxiety is treated.

When you suspect that you have an issue with anxiety and want to learn more about what you can do about it, it may be beneficial to take this anxiety test.


Psychotherapy can be a great tool for the treatment of anxiety signs. This type of therapy allows you to talk to a mental health professional about the anxiety you are experiencing, and how you feel about aspects of your life. You may be able to determine why you are worrying about certain things, and how to prevent this. Psychologists have different types of treatment programs that they may take advantage of, in order to lend a hand lessening each symptom of anxiety that you may be experiencing.


In addition to psychotherapy, you may see benefits for anxiety with certain prescriptions. A doctor may use medicines to lessen some symptoms you are experiencing, or to help you relax in general. It is important to talk to your doctor about medicines, and make sure you report any side effects you experience. There are multiple types of medicines that may be prescribed, but it can take a while to find one that works well for your specific purposes and anxiety.

How To Stop The Signs

Once you see signs you have anxiety, you may be concerned about your health and well-being. Besides the treatment options mentioned above, there are a few other ways you can try to stop a sign of anxiety in its tracks.


Remember that when you need to relax, you should do it. Take the time to take a break from what you are doing, so you can think about the situation differently. When something is causing you stress, you may be able to figure out a solution if you start to focus on something else.

You should also do what you can to stay in the moment. When you are feeling anxious or stressed, try to concentrate on what you are doing first. You may be worried about an upcoming trip while you are trying to do the dishes. Concentrate on completing the task in front of you when you are able to, which could keep you in the moment. You can choose to worry about your trip later.

Take Care Of Your Health

Some people that are affected by a health anxiety symptom or two should consider getting checked out by their doctor. Getting a clean bill of health can allow you to worry less or have less anxiety when you think about your health. Moreover, it can rule out certain illnesses that you may have been concerned about in the past.

You can also start exercising and eating right, which might also be able to improve your health.

Spend Time With Others

When you are feeling anxious, you might just need to spend time with people that you care about. Taking the time to talk to friends and family members could make your anxiety symptoms list smaller, especially as you are able to get more perspective about a certain situation that was bothering you. At times, you might also be able to get advice about an issue that was worrying you. Do your best to keep people close to you, so you will have them to lean on when you need them. This may be an important part of your treatment.


With the proper treatment for anxiety, you can learn to manage stomach anxiety symptoms, or other symptoms or signs. These can be addressed when you speak to a psychologist, who will be able to determine the next step in the treatment process for you. Moreover, making certain changes in your life and routine can also help you find relief from anxiety. Be sure to be patient when it comes to getting help for your anxiety, since it may take a while for you to see certain symptoms go away or get better. It may be a long journey, but you can begin to feel better. You don’t have to be anxious much of the time, when you are getting the help that you need.

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Mental health conditions are real, common, and treatable. If you or someone you know thinks you are suffering from anxiety then take this quick online test or click to learn more about the condition.

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