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Why Hospitalize for Depression? Understanding the Reasons

Reviewed by Dawn Brown, LPC, NCC · November 24, 2020 ·

When you think about treating depression symptoms, going to the hospital may not be something you think about. For some, this is a critical decision when experiencing severe complications with their symptoms. While hospitalization has helped people with treatment-resistant depression or severe depression, there is a stigma about being hospitalized with depression. Some people consider this option while holding off on taking action. There is nothing wrong with being in a stable, safe environment while recovering. On the other hand, some may have concerns about what else they can do for their symptoms if they sense they're getting worse.

Situations To Consider For Hospitalization

People may not see depression as something a hospital would treat, but it is a serious illness like heart disease requiring special attention when symptoms are problematic or life-threatening. There are several reasons why hospitalization is recommended for people with depression. While there may not be a thing such as depression hospitals, many local hospitals provide treatment for depressive symptoms. The therapy provided depends on the patient's needs and situation. Here are cases where a person with depression could benefit from staying in the hospital:

Unable To Care For Self. A person who is so depressed they cannot carry out daily tasks and responsibilities might benefit from hospitalization. A person may be unable to care for themselves for different reasons, such as feeling tired or needing physical assistance.

Medication Observation. A person taking medication for depression might need observation from a medical professional when taking a new drug. It is common for a doctor to recommend a hospital stay when adjusting a patient medication. The patient is supervised closely at the hospital to ensure the drug works. The doctor learns how well your treatment is going and can address your concerns as they occur should you have any.

Hospital-Only Treatment. A person may need specialized treatment only available through hospitalization. Whether you need anesthesia for therapy like ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), or any other health-related concern about your depression, you'll be under the watchful eye of your doctor and learn your prognosis depending on how well your treatment goes.

Deciding to go to the hospital is usually a personal choice, but it may also come as a recommendation from your doctor or mental health specialist. Either way, you are making a commitment toward recovery that is commendable. There are rules and regulations regarding hospitalization for mental health or psychiatric evaluations that allow a person to seek and commit to treatment voluntarily. You should review legal rules if you think a loved one should seek hospitalization but refuses to do so. A mental health professional can provide details upon request.

Reducing Stigma And Shame

Going to the hospital for depressive symptoms could make you feel scared, upset, or shameful. You may wonder how people judge or think you are weak because you can't cope. Such thoughts are common, but it is not valid. Remember, it is likely people who make such assumptions don't understand what severe depression is like. Having it doesn't mean you are weak or lazy.

People may think someone suicidal is being selfish when it is far from the truth. Sometimes a person can be in such a dark place with emotional pain; they need guidance from a trained medical professional that understands. Some may think a person who is depressed doesn't know how to solve their problems. Again, this is untrue, but you can get assistance to get back on track to living your life.

Depressive symptoms that keep you from living your life need attention. As a severe mental illness, depression may require ongoing care, including changes to treatment plans. Accepting your situation is the best way to reduce the stigma and shame. Accept the fact you're choosing to get help to make things better for yourself. It takes courage to move forward with this decision. You may feel frightful initially, but it will likely lead to gaining practical support to encourage change so you can feel better and live a meaningful life.

What Happens When You Go To The Hospital?

Most hospitals have processes and procedures for treating people with mental health concerns. Suppose you're thinking about going to the hospital for your symptoms. In that case, you can get information about the process and what happens when you're admitted by contacting the hospital to inquire about their psychiatric care. Hospitals may have a psychiatric unit or wing devoted to such care. Each hospital varies as some provide partial hospitalization or 24-hour supervised care.

You can ask questions about their care before or during check-in. You can ask if they treat people with your condition and what tests may be required. You can ask how the doctor will evaluate your situation and who will provide your care.

After checking in, you may be asked questions about your depression and complete a physical exam to understand your health status. You may have more questions about your stay after check-in, which is normal. You may wonder if you can have friends or family visit you. You may ask about what you should bring from home. You may wonder if you can leave your room to take a walk. You may wonder who you will work with personally to develop your treatment plan.

Make a list of what you want to ask, and don't be shy. You are entitled to getting answers to ensure you get the help you need.

Patient Rights

As a patient, you can learn about your treatment and how it will be provided. You have the right to know the process and procedures related to the care you need. You can refuse treatment if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. You can refuse participation in training sessions or experimental situations with student interns and observers. 

Understanding your rights as a patient is essential. You'll also want to review what your insurance will and will not cover. If you don't have insurance, you may still be entitled to receive care under certain circumstances. 

What To Do After Your Discharged

Upon discharge, your doctor may recommend a treatment program to continue the hospital's progress and manage your symptoms. There are different program options, and they vary depending on your reason for hospitalization. It may include therapy or other proactive activity on certain days of the week. You'll focus on your recovery after leaving the hospitable by doing several actions, including:

  • Maintaining doctor appointments
  • Sticking to your medication schedule
  • Engage in a support group or establish a support network
  • Practice self-care by sleeping, eating, and exercising right
  • Learn relaxation techniques and how to control stress
  • Be good to yourself, allow patience, and remember you are a work-in-progress
  • Have a trusted friend or family member help you be accountable for your responsibilities

When you leave the hospital, it helps to have a positive outlook. You could use your time before discharge to set goals and think about how you'll accomplish them. While the hospital stay may have helped with your symptoms, you can use that time to mentally, physically, and emotionally recharge.

What To Do If You Need Help

Depression is a challenging illness, and sometimes things can get overwhelming. Consider having a plan, such as a crisis plan, if you need to go to the hospital again. The method may include information about your doctor and their contact details, contact information for friends and family, contact information for a peer support group, medication and allergy list, insurance details, and your preferred hospital for treatment. You can choose to have a medical power of attorney or some form of advanced instruction on your behalf by a trusted party if you cannot make directives yourself.

There is nothing wrong with choosing hospitalization for depression symptoms, although it helps learn why it is an option. Many living with severe depression may struggle with managing symptoms, but specialized medical support is available for any situation. Deciding to go shows you want to feel better and are willing to try things.

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