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Understanding and Managing Compulsive Hoarding

Compulsive hoarding, also known as disposophobia, is a disorder associated with having persistent difficulty discarding items. Hoarders generally feel the need to “save”...

Helping Hoarders: Effective Treatment Options

Have you ever been shocked by the amount of clutter when you visited a loved one’s home? Has a family member’s home been full of random items for years? Or, maybe you feel...

Overcoming Hoarding: Cleanup and Therapy

The term hoarding is often used as a joke or as a lighthearted way to tease someone about their spending habits or tendency of holding onto things. Despite being seen as funny...

Hoarding Disorder: Impact on Daily Life

It doesn’t matter how old we get – we’ve all looked at that old ports cards in the closet and thought, “There’s no way I’m getting rid of that.” The same...

Getting the Right Help for Hoarding Issues

Hoarding disorders are much more common than most people think, and most cases go unnoticed for too long. By the time a hoarding disorder is diagnosed, it has already...

The 5 Stages of Hoarding

Hoarding disorders aren’t discussed often, and many people don’t view it as a real disorder, but they’re just as dangerous to someone’s quality of life as any other disorder...

Understanding and Managing Hoarding

Hoarding disorders don’t nearly receive as much attention as other mental or behavioral disorders, despite the damage it inflicts on the individual’s quality of life. Many...

Hoarding: When to Seek Help

Ever since the reality television show Hoarders was released in 2009, awareness is at an all-time high regarding the hoarding disorder and what it’s like living with a hoarder...

Stop Hoarding and Gain Control

Most people don’t think about it often enough, but a hoarding disorder causes a wide amount of strain on an individual’s life -- including their family members, friends,...