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Demystifying Sleep Panic Disorder

Reviewed by Whitney White, MS CMHC, NCC., LPC · November 01, 2020 ·

Sleep Panic Disorder

It can be terrifying to wake up and suddenly be in the grips of a severe panic attack. Having an anxiety attack in sleep is not something everyone with panic disorder experiences, but it is very similar to having a panic attack during the daytime. You’ll experience the same type of symptoms that you might have during typical panic attacks. This means your heart will likely race; you might experience chest pain, shortness of breath, hyperventilation, chills, and so much more. Why would something like this occur while you’re trying to sleep, though?

Nocturnal panic attacks don’t necessarily have a discernible cause, and you won’t know why you feel the way you do when you wake up. All you’ll know is that you had a panic attack while sleeping and that it interrupted your normal sleep cycle. These anxiety attacks while sleeping are both a nuisance and very disturbing. It might make you feel nervous about going to sleep if you know that you have panic attacks at night somewhat frequently. This is why it’s best to understand sleep panic disorder and what having it means for you.

You Can’t Necessarily Stop Sleep Panic Disorder Attacks From Happening.

The first thing to know is that you can’t necessarily stop night panic attacks from happening. You won’t be able to fight these nightly panic attacks in some traditional way. You can go over some methods to try to keep them from happening as frequently, but you need to accept that this might happen to you from time to time. The best thing to do for your sanity is to take that this will happen and prepare for it. Get ready to deal with the night panic attacks when they happen.

Most people say that getting up to do something is for the best when they’ve had a night panic attack. Trying to go right back to sleep might not be possible since you will be wound up from your panic attack experience. Consider getting up to do something productive for an hour or two so that you can calm down. This should make you feel more settled, and you’ll likely be able to go back to sleep eventually. It might be frustrating to have your sleep cycle interrupted like this, but at least try to get to where you can get back to sleep.

As for what types of things you can get up to do will mainly be up to you; some people like relaxing activities such as reading a book, watching a TV show, playing games, or doing something that will give you light physical activity might be better. For example, you could clean your house or do the dishes. Doing your laundry would also be an efficient way to use your time. Whatever you decide to do, know you’ll want to focus on chilling out to get a few more hours of sleep.

Try To Develop A Consistent Sleep Schedule to Help with Sleep Panic Disorder

Trying to develop a consistent sleep schedule is probably going to be for the best, too. Some have noted that keeping irregular hours exacerbates night panic attack issues. If you can’t keep a consistent schedule due to your job type, you’ll have to cope as best you can. However, getting your body used to a regular sleep pattern is good. Ideally, it would be best if you wanted to get around eight hours of sleep each night, and it’s good to schedule things so that you can get that amount of sleep most nights.

On nights that you have panic attacks, you might wind up sleeping a little less. If possible, it might be better to let yourself sleep in so that you will have the energy to handle your daily responsibilities. If you need to get up for work, you should try to get back to your regular sleep schedule the following night. Consistency has helped some with nocturnal panic attacks to have fewer problems over time. This might not make your panic attacks disappear, but it should help.

Limit Caffeine And Alcohol Intake to Limit Symptoms of Sleep Panic Disorder

You might not know this, but caffeine can make your anxiety worse than usual. If you’ve been experiencing a lot of stress while sleeping, then it’s possible that you could be drinking too many caffeinated drinks throughout the day. When this happens, it can make you feel more anxious than usual and impact your sleep patterns. You know that caffeine is a stimulant that can wake you up in the morning. Drinking too much caffeine late in the day can keep you from being able to fall asleep like usual.

It has even been suggested that chronic caffeine use can cause panic attacks in people with panic disorders. You should take steps to either reduce your caffeine intake significantly or eliminate it. Talking to your doctor about caffeine might be wise since it could react negatively with certain medications. If you can make better decisions about the stuff you’re drinking daily, you might have far fewer panic attacks.

Alcohol can have a similarly destructive impact on your anxiety, and it will be better for you to avoid drinking. If you’ve already been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you should probably know that drinking could cause you to have more issues with your anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant, which will alter your mood substantially. Drinking to the point of excess can also cause significant sleep problems, which can make your life even more complicated.

Those with panic disorder will have significant complications when they drink alcohol. This could be causing you to have panic attacks at night or at least contribute to how frequently you have panic attacks. Some people try to use alcohol to calm down when anxious, but this worsens things.

It’s also important to note that alcohol is not meant to be consumed with many anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. If you have panic attacks, then there is a good chance that you might be on drugs to help you with your issues. Drinking alcohol with drugs can cause harmful and even life-threatening reactions, depending on your medications. Please do your best to follow your doctor’s advice and take your prescription medications responsibly.

Get Professional Help for Sleep Panic Disorder

Getting professional help can make managing panic attacks a lot simpler overall. You should talk to your doctor or therapist if something has changed with your anxiety issues or panic attacks. If you haven’t yet been adequately diagnosed with anxiety or a panic disorder, you must see your doctor or therapist as soon as possible. Panic attacks can be debilitating and sap your energy, but you can manage them effectively with help.

If you need convincing that you could use some help, take this simple panic disorder test. This isn’t a diagnosis tool, but it might motivate you to talk to your doctor. Many people are nervous about opening up to their doctors, but it’ll be a good experience. You can get the right help for your issues to sleep better at night once more.

Other Treatment Options for Sleep Panic Disorder Include:

Taking anti-anxiety medication might help you eliminate panic attacks if your issues are mild. Many patients note far fewer instances of anxiety attacks when they are taking proper medications. There are also medications that you can take when you feel a panic attack happening. If you wake up in the grips of a panic attack, this could be an effective way to calm yourself down and get back to sleep.

Many people also go to therapy sessions to help deal with anxiety issues at the core of these panic attacks. You can learn how to deal with panic attacks more effectively to minimize the impact that they will have on your life. It’s excellent for you to have a helpful therapist that cares about you, and you’ll be able to reach out whenever you’re having an adamant time. There are even convenient options, such as online therapy, to make getting help without leaving the house simple.

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